M is for MMMM

B is for Bacon

F is for Fatty…

Yes, another don’t-tell-your-arteries-what-you-are-eating meal.  This is my version of a monte cristo for a quick week night meal.


1 loaf artisan bread, sliced thin
8-10 rashers of bacon
Gruyere, or swiss cheese, sliced or shredded (easier sliced)
3 eggs
1/4 cup milk

First, brown up bacon nice and crunchy.  Next, slice up the bread and cheese.  Meanwhile mix the eggs and the milk in a bowl for dipping.  Get a skillet or electric frying pan hot on medium heat (325 degrees).

When bacon is done, layer the bread with cheese, bacon, cheese and bread top.  Dip in the egg mixture on both sides, being carefully to keep the filling from spilling (hey, that rhymes!). Put in skillet and brown on both sides, making sure the eggs are cooked.

If you have picky children, feel free to make with American cheese for them.

Serve with a salad to make yourself feel healthy-er… 😉
