Kailan’s t-ball camp last Saturday was a bit cold, wet and miserable.  It rained the entire time and it was hovering around 50 degrees.  At least Anya had a playdate during the same time, so she bipassed it all and I got to have a good excuse not to be there the whole time.  The boys got a bit drenched though.  As you can see it didn’t dampen his enthusiasm at all. 🙂



Another cute thing in the rain, were these baby bunnies that Brian found while doing some landscaping work.  There were about seven of them huddled amongst the sedum.  We’ll see if they are there tomorrow after being discovered.  The kids were quite taken with them, but no holding or touching was allowed.  I’m sure at least some will grow big and strong and eat our plants.

Future Flower Eaters of America


Hope everyone had a great weekend!