**Anya has a princess party on Saturday.  This time I will actually have a princess dress for her to wear.  Unlike last time when she was the only girl at the party without the Target-special-Disney-cheaply-made dress.  Yes, I am a little vehement in my desire to not ever buy one of them, even though I’m sure she would love it.  Instead mommy made her a BETTER dress, darnit!  Now I just need to take a picture of her wearing it before said party. 

**The floors are pretty much all completed in our basement.  Now if the trim comes in as promised by next week (I’m sure if I held my breath on that one…I would die), then we should be super close to done.  The only outstanding things after the trim and doors is…well, let me think…yeah, there are a few more things, but we are *this close*!

**Last week I failed to mention an accident by one of the small ones and you will be shocked to find out it wasn’t Kailan.  No, it was the little princess.  She decided to run after getting out of the pool at swimming, like we have warned her against time and again, and *shocker* she fell.  The poor thing actually had quite the road rash.  She had scrapes on her wrists, legs and ankle and a 3″x3″ patch where she landed on her bottom.  She was in her suit, so there was no clothing protection for much of her skin.  It finally mostly healed up by this Monday, and I stocked up on the big, huge bandages so we are all covered the next time it happens.  No pictures of the wounds…sorry.  I’m sure you are happy for that, though, right??


**Kailan’s new nickname is “Kai the Klepto”.  He had been sneaking away toys from Kindergarten in his backpack.  He told us his teacher let him, which worked fine until she tattled to me about it.  Not happy with the kid right now.  We told him over the weekend he couldn’t come home with toys in his backpack and Monday he came home with those same toys.  I also got the note from his teacher on Monday, so his punishment was quick and severe. 😉  His punishment?  He loses a toy to charity anytime his backpack comes home with a random toy.  I think he finally understands now, since he lost one on Monday. 


**I made another super yummy pasta dish this week – Halibut in Creamy Cheese Sauce with Pasta.  Just use this recipe and substitute the sausage with halibut cut in chunks, the noodles for fetuccine, plus some added cajun seasoning.  I didn’t do the toasting with bread crumbs (since I was out), so we just served the sauce over the noodles.  YYYYYUUUUUMMMMMM.  Good enough for company!

**You all will be happy to know that I found the perfect pair of flat brown boots.  I know!!  It’s great!!  Yes, I’m a bit of a shoe fanatic, but I haven’t really bought much this year.  Honest.  I usually buy a new black pair every Fall, because I wear them out.  Now I seem to need to buy new brown boots, too, since my low brown ones went in the trash at the end of last season.  These are super duper comfy (Naturalizer shoes usually are) and not overly expensive at $60 on sale.  PLUS I could buy another pair for 1/2 off, so I got our little prince a pair of black leather dress shoes that he sorely needed for the holidays for the low, low price of $13.   I rock the sales.  *fist pump*
