I’m not going to bother looking at the resolutions I posted last January.  I’m fairly certain that most went undone and ignored.  They got lost in living our life, I guess.  The only one that may have been achieved was the weight loss.  I may have squeaked in a bit at the end of 2009. 

Looking back on last year, it was…well, busy

We updated our kitchen, Kailan lost his front teeth in an accident, we went on a trip to Cincinnati, Kailan started Kindergarten, we finished our basement and life went by very, very quickly.

My goals this year, I feel are somewhat attainable.

Personal goals

I am going to continue to lose weight.  I only have about 5 lbs or so to lose now, so that is very realistic, especially since my mind is in the right place.  You have to get “there” to want to do the sacrifices necessary to lose weight.  I’m “there” when it comes to my eating.  I just need to get into the exercising mode, which is proving harder.  I’ve started excercising…that is the important thing.

I want to spend more time reading and not taking on so many projects.  Get some sleep.  I was very tired last year.  Yes, a lot was accomplished, but I need to be lazy every once and a while.

My photography.  I hope to do more with it this year.  Still no plans for a real business.  I will be raising my prices this year, though.  I don’t do very many shoots, but they take a lot of time.  I don’t have that much free time, and I’d like it to a bit more worthwhile, financially, to do the shoots.


We need to get Anya moved into her new room.  I can’t do anything until that furniture finds a new home, but I think my sister and Mom are coming in a week to get it all.  I’d really like it to be done, since her smaller room is just not big enough for all her “stuff”.  I have some fun ideas.  It is sure to be a girly, pink paradise. 

Then, it will be repainting the new office/old nursery.  That won’t take too long and should be fairly easy, as it is a small room. 

Then, we need to repaint the entryway that leads upstairs to the hallway.  We need a really tall ladder for that one.  I might get an early start and do the bottom at least.  I’ve had a sample painted patch on it for a good year or two.  It doesn’t look the best right now.

Gutters…we really need gutters.


I want to try to not buy much for clothes in the next year, for both me and the kids.  I really haven’t fit into most of my clothes in the last few years, so it is like a new wardrobe to me right now.  I also have some fabric for me that I can use if I feel the need for new clothes.  I have plenty of fabric for making clothes for the kids.  I need to use up my fabric stash and stay out of the fabric store, as well.  Last year, I didn’t buy hardly any clothes for the kids, but I was often seen at the fabric store.  I’d like to use up what I have and still make most of their clothes.  If you have seen my fabric closet…you know I have more than enough. 😉

No consumer debt.  Last year we didn’t carry balances on our credit cards until the construction started in the Fall.  That needs to go away.  I hate having credit card balances.  Unfortunately, we still will have our mortgage, home equity line and my car payment.  I’d like to put as much as possible towards that home equity line, since it is an adjustable rate loan.  Not what I wanted…especially with the economy as it is.

Try to use up what is in our pantry and freezer.  We have so much food right now, that I shouldn’t need to go to the grocery store for much more than the basics.  Basics around here are milk, peanut butter and bread.  Maybe cheese, too.  I need to get back to using a weekly menu and using my crockpot more.  It’s a working mom’s good friend.  When I have a good meal plan, it is also less stressful, too.  Win, win…all around. 

Our biggest consumer expense right now is…yes, wine.  With the weight loss thing, I need to drink less of it.  Maybe then Brian won’t buy so much. 😉  I think he wants to fill that 1200 bottle wine cellar, though.  We have less than 400 bottles, so he has quite the goal in mind.  We have a few years in this house, though, so hopefully we can accomplish that with some moderation.


That’s about it for this year.  Hopefully these goals can be achieved…or at least some of them.  I have a whole year, right?