For the last several years, I take the week of Labor Day off of work and hunker down and make the kids’ winter wardrobes.

Labor Day means the opposite for me, than for everyone else.  Apparently.

This year is no exception, and I will begin to create clothes to garb our offspring.  Kailan will need mostly pants, as he is obsessed with the different Lego Star Wars/Batman/Indiana Jones t-shirts I bought him recently.  He will just need some long-sleeved layering t-shirts, so Old Navy or one of their ilk will likely get our business from that.

Anya has informed me that she does not like dresses.


Okay, so I can understand that they may be a pain to put into snowpants.  I get that.  I will acquiese to her little will, and make her pants and shirts.  Of course, they will be a little more creative than just plain leggings and long sleeved t-shirts (hopefully).

It may look messy now, but it gets worse.

Stay tuned…

In the meantime, I would like you to meet my body double.  I think she looks as bit like a linebacker, but that’s okay.  It’s our first time doing this…I’ll probably try again at a later time.  One thing to note…make sure you have a lot of duct tape (we only had enough for one layer) and wear something fitted.  I wore a loose xlarge t-shirt and it was hard wrapping it accurately.

Brian wrapped me up in duct tape and helped me make her.  He, of course, garnered no small pleasure in telling his friends that he was wrapping his wife in duct tape and then letting their imaginations run rampant.

In case you are confused as to why I have a body double, it is for more accurately sewing articles of clothing.  This will hopefully cut down on the “wadders”.

I also have grand plans for cleaning and organizing the house.

Wish me luck that I will accomplish even half of what I have planned.