Whoo-doggy…that’s a big number!  Yes, this is my 1,000 post…okay, it’s actually only 999, but I didn’t want to do it on Theme Thursday.  What’s weird is that my Dashboard says it is 999, but the posts are numbered and they over 1,000.  I think it must have counted posts that I deleted.    Also??  Not all were on the same url, but it’s the same blog gosh darnit.  So I’m counting the whole lot.  Because I make my own rules on my blog.  I’m a rebel like that.

Oh well, this is almost one-thousand, and since I’m giving something away I doubt anyone really cares on the technical aspects of how I get to that number, right??

I have a few favorite posts in my time here.  You can read this one about Kai’s doctor appointment last year or this one about my reaction to excess solicitors knocking on our door.   I also have this one of Kailan writing a note to his sister on proper toddler etiquette.  She learned well.

Since this is an auspicious moment in this blog’s life, I thought I could giveaway something.  What to give though?  It should be fantastic for the 1,000 post, right?  How about some fantastic skin care to make you look absolutely fabulous and dewy soft and ten years younger*?

I have a little care package of SkinMedica goodness that includes:  Rejuvenative Moisturizer, Exfoliant, Facial Cleanser, Calming Masque, and Daily Sun Protection.  It has a retail value of around $180 .  Note how I said retail and not my cost.  Yeah, I know people and I’m not wimpy about taking advantage of a good thing.  You should see how dewey soft my skin looks.  😉

Just comment on the post here before July 27th at midnight, and I will choose a winner from an automatic random integer website.

Good luck to all!

The two reasons why I started this blog


shoot em up